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Welcome to Project Requests Online (PRESTO)

PRESTO provides access to the NSF FARE/LAOF request forms, allowing you to submit new requests and access previously submitted requests.

An ACCESS CI (formerly XSEDE) account is required to log in to PRESTO. To log in, you will be redirected to, and once authenticated, you will be automatically redirected back to PRESTO.

For further assistance, see the PRESTO User's Guidance page or contact the PRESTO team:

Requests for University of Wyoming Facilities

Requests for University of Wyoming LAOF facilities--Wyoming King Air, Wyoming Cloud Lidar and Wyoming Cloud Radar--are now handled directly with the University of Wyoming via their facility-specific request forms. Please contact the Facility Manager (Jeff French) or Associate Facility Manager (Matthew Burkhart) to obtain the request forms.

PRESTO is managed and maintained by the NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL) in collaboration with the ACCESS-supported eXtensible Resource Allocation Service (XRAS).